Sunset on the 606 – 04.17.18

Normally, I avoid taking photos of sunsets. Especially with a cell phone. The colors just never come out like they do in real life.

But I needed a daily photo.

And I liked how the tree was being silhouetted against the sky.

This was taken on the 606 trail on Chicago. Its an elevated track that used to be a train line. I was having a terrible run and wasn’t in a great mood. My only goal was to get back home before the sun fully set.

Goal accomplished.

Cameraslinger Mantra

Adapted from Stephen King ‘s Gunslinger Mantra

I do not aim with my hand; she who aims with her hand has forgotten the face of her father.
I aim with my eye.

I do not shoot with my camera; she who shoots with her camera has forgotten the face of her father.
I shoot with my mind.

I do not capture with my gear; she who captures with her gear has forgotten the face of her father.
I capture with my heart.

Do You See What I See?

I’ve been working on a daily photo project for a while now. Some days I find really artsy abstract things to show off. Some days I’m scrambling at half an hour til midnight to find something to snap. About a third of the time I forget to post them on my medias.

Everything in the “Do You See What I See” series is photographed from a cell phone. I’ve been challenging myself to find small photographic moments in my days and I know I’ll always have that camera on me. After a quick edit on whatever app I feel like using that day, its ready to hit Instagram.

I’m going to try to remember to start sharing them here as well, along with a short blurb about what I was shooting and why and how it connects to my day maybe. Sporadic updates at best.

Here are just a few of my cell shots so far: